Al Wasl Printing

A Guide to Create Eye-Catching Product Packaging

Besides protecting your products from harm, the packaging of a product plays numerous other vital roles. The most important role being, your product packaging has that power to influence the chances of consumers buying your product. It is worth mentioning, packaging tends to play an even bigger role for companies that have limited marketing budgets, since packaging becomes their main source of differentiation between them and their competitors. Therefore, in this article we explain the 5 components of product packaging that can help increase your product sales.


The colour of a product’s packaging is one of the most important components. Through the use of colours consumers associate a product with different meanings. For example, green is often used to represent recyclable materials. Colours also have the ability to evoke emotions in the consumers. Depending on the emotion triggered, customers may run to grab your product or they may never look at it again. For example, red can convey feelings of comfort or anger depending on the chosen shade of red. However, if done right, brands can build invaluable relations with their customers. Furthermore, having a unique brand colour allows consumers to instantly recognise the brand. It is also worth mentioning that the effects of colours on consumers tend to differ from culture to culture.


The shape of the product packaging is another important factor to consider. It may result in your product to stand out or to go unnoticed amongst all the other products. Creating a unique shape can result in consumers noticing your product. A perfect example of this is the shape of Toblerone chocolate’s packaging that has resulted in it being recognised globally. Another benefit of creating a unique packaging shape is that it has the potential to increase the perceived quality of your product.


Size is another component of your packaging worth considering. Firstly, similar to the shape of a product the size of your product may increase or decrease its visibility in the eyes of the consumer. Another interesting role of packaging size is that it may convey higher (or lower) value of the product, depending on its size, to the consumers.

Visuals & Text

Companies should put more focus on the visuals than texts, since visuals is what tends to grab the attention of the consumer. Visuals primarily refer to the brand logo and any other accompanying images or visuals on the packaging. When it comes to the text, the key unique selling points should be emphasised in a quick and clear manner on the packaging. Furthermore, it is recommended for brands to create custom fonts representing their brand which allows for better brand recognition amongst consumers.

Packaging Material Quality

The last component of packaging worth discussing is the quality of the packaging material. All of the above components are what encourage consumers to pick up your product. Once the consumer has picked up the product, the quality of the packaging is the final determining factor. Packaging material primarily how the packaging feels. It is recommended to keep packaging of smooth texture to ensure the satisfaction of the customer.

The role of packaging does not end once the consumer has bought the product. Products tend to remain in the eyes of the consumers, their friends, and their family long after purchase. During this phase the packaging of the product is a marketing channel for your brand. Thus, it is critical to pay careful attention to your packaging since it not only affects the chances of your product being bought by your consumers but it also affects the chances of your product being bought by your consumer’s friends and family members.

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